lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009


The country I would like to go is Japan, because I like that culture; well, to be honest, since I was little I always have seen Japanese cartoons (well know as ANIME), and Japanese comics (MANGAS), but I never was an Otaku (anime fan, but a really, really fan) I was like a pseudo-otaku (but not anymore). Because of that I know a few things about Japanese culture, like his recent history (the meiji revolution and things like that, besides, Japan participated in the two World Wars, loose in the second against USA, because of that Japan have a huge American influence; and most recently his big economic development), but about the past of the country (feudal era) I know very little (a few things of samurais and ninjas), but I hope I can improve in this because my brother is taken a subject of Japan`s history and I going to read all the texts I can!.

If I go I would like to visit Tokyo (one of the most expensive cities in the world), and the Tokyo tower; besides I would go to Kyoto to see the feudal Japan, the castles, the landscapes, etc.

I would like to eat the real Japanese food (not only sushi) and drink sake!!jejeje!!

I would go to Japan only to visit it, not to live there, because I don`t speak the language (it`s very complicated!), and because I know that I going to miss Chile!! (that sounds crazy but is the true).

Well, that is all I can say about the country I would like to visit, obviously there are others countries that I would like to go: Rome, France, England, Egypt, Greece, etc. That`s all for today….Take care all of you!!!Bye!!!

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2009

this is me

Well, this is me...this is a really ugly photo, but is funny...this was the 'pre-mechoneo', after that, a few days later, was the true 'mechoneo' (eggs, vinegar, ketchup, mustard, water, etc included)


Hello to everyone! this is my first time here, i never had a blog before, actually a didn`t want to have one but i was forced to, (that´s why the name of my blog is obligadaatenerunblog).Well, what can i say.....i have 19 years old and this is my roockie year in university, i´m studing Sociology...and i´ve learned a lot of things, and i had to read a lot of texts too.....reading, reading and reading!!!....the most difficult subjet of the first term to me was 'world history' because the teacher was so strict!.....but i survive....the other subjects weren´t so difficult....i´ve learned about Durkheim, Weber, Marx and others bunch of guys...everyone with his own theory about the 'social fact'......i take a cfg (curso de formacion general) too, but being honest i didin´t learn too much....naaa...just the carreer i have to take two sports but i left them for the second year.....i like sports but i´m a little lazy....Well, not everything have been so easy, the change from school to university is a big deal, is a bigger resposibility, you have to take the subjets, the list doesn´t run, you have to worry to have the fotocopies for the classes, exams, etc....besides grants, credits and things like these.....this is all i can tell of myself now, actually i have a lot of things that i didn´t say (like, dislikes, hobbies), but to be honest this blog i made it for my english class but, readers!´don´t tell to anybody!!! jajaja!!!kidding again.....well another day i will tell you more about me....take care, everyone.......bye!!!!